by Jewish News Channel

Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Netanyahu Steadfast On Rafah Despite Biden Opposition

“A nation’s got to do what a nation’s got to do,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted on Wednesday, before further asserting that he is confident about resolving growing tensions with the U.S. over Israel’s military actions in Rafah. However, he emphasised that Israel will continue its operations to secure victory in the ongoing conflict.

In an interview with CNBC’s Sara Eisen in Jerusalem, Netanyahu acknowledged the historical differences between him and President Joe Biden, highlighting their decades-long friendship despite recent disagreements over Gaza. “Yes, we do have a disagreement on Gaza. Rather, on Rafah. But we have to do what we have to do,” he stated.

Netanyahu expressed his commitment to reducing these differences, aiming to align more closely with U.S. perspectives. He posed a rhetorical question, asking, “Would the United States leave an enemy right at its border?”

Israel is currently facing significant tensions from left-leaning international governments, including from its closest ally, the U.S., due to its operations in Gaza.

The Israeli forces are advancing deeper into Rafah, a city in southern Gaza initially designated as a “safe zone” by Israel, where hundreds of thousands have sought refuge. UNRWA, who recently was accused of aiding and abetting terrorists, reported that nearly 450,000 people have fled Rafah since the operations began last week, highlighting the severe humanitarian crisis.

Within Israel, Netanyahu is facing increasing protests and criticism over his handling of the hostage crisis and his government’s direction. The attack by Hamas, which killed 1,200 people and kidnapped 250, has deeply affected Israel, and Jewish people worldwide.

While President Biden has maintained support for Israel and provided military aid, his administration has cautioned against a full-scale ground assault on Rafah without a credible plan to protect civilians.

Netanyahu firmly stated that any future plan for Gaza cannot include Hamas, which has asserted that it controls the enclave for nearly two decades and seeks Israel’s destruction. He reiterated his primary goal of eradicating the militant group’s presence in Gaza.

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