10 articles
ABC hires Pro-Palestinian activist to produce anti-Israel show
ABC hires Pro-Palestinian activist to produce anti-Israel show
June 14, 2024by Jewish News Channel

What are the chances? ...

Adam Bandt May Sue Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus
Adam Bandt May Sue Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus
June 6, 2024by Jewish News Channel

Greens leader Adam Bandt has threatened legal action against Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus after the federal government, in collaboration with the Coalition,...

Holier Than Thou ABC Has Sexual Harassment, Bullying Issues At Home
Holier Than Thou ABC Has Sexual Harassment, Bullying Issues At Home
June 6, 2024by Jewish News Channel

The ABC which has run constant coverage of alleged sexual harassment allegations at Channel Nine have been rocked by a larger...

Canada Cuts Rates, No Hope For Australia
Canada Cuts Rates, No Hope For Australia
June 6, 2024by Jewish News Channel

The Bank of Canada’s recent decision to cut the interest rate by 25 basis points to 4.75 per cent aligns with...

A Deafening Silence From ABC Boss Kim Williams
A Deafening Silence From ABC Boss Kim Williams
May 29, 2024by Jewish News Channel

Palestinian social media are abuzz with reports of an Israeli tank incursion into central Rafah, where eyewitnesses have described seeing a...

ANU Hauled In Front Of Senate Over Anti-Semitism
ANU Hauled In Front Of Senate Over Anti-Semitism
May 29, 2024by Jewish News Channel

The Australian National University (ANU) will be brought before Senate estimates to address its handling of anti-Semitism on campus....

Pro-Palestine Protestors Leave Melbourne University Pigsty
Pro-Palestine Protestors Leave Melbourne University Pigsty
May 28, 2024by Jewish News Channel

A photo has surfaced online causing outrage as it shows piles of discarded items, such as tents, tarps, and rubbish, left...

Police Order Pro-Hamas Protestors To Leave By Midday Today
Police Order Pro-Hamas Protestors To Leave By Midday Today
May 28, 2024by Jewish News Channel

Students at the Australian National University (ANU) protesting in support of Hamas governed Palestine have been given a deadline of midday...

Prime Minister Lashes Pro-Hamas Students on University Campuses
Prime Minister Lashes Pro-Hamas Students on University Campuses
May 16, 2024by Jewish News Channel

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has criticised pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Melbourne, accusing those chanting “from the river to the sea” of being...

Victorian Parliament Bans Keffiyeh
Victorian Parliament Bans Keffiyeh
May 14, 2024by Jewish News Channel

The Victorian parliament has now banned politicians from wearing the keffiyeh on the chamber floor, deeming the chequered scarf a “political”...

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