
by Jewish News Channel

Monday, June 10, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Macron Dissolves National Assembly Following Landslide Le Pen Victory

French President Emmanuel Macron announced that new elections for the lower house of the French parliament will be held on June 30 and July 7.

A response to the National Rally’s success in the European Parliament elections.

This decision could lead to Macron’s party losing more seats and possibly entering into a power-sharing arrangement known as “cohabitation.”

National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen, garnered around 31% of the vote, doubling the support for Macron’s Renaissance Party.

Macron framed the elections as an act of trust in the French people to make the right choice.

He then expressed concerns about the rise of political extremism and the threat it poses to the European Union and the French republic.

Macron’s move is seen as an attempt to mobilize voters against the so-called far-right by highlighting the potential dangers of their gaining more power.

Le Pen’s party has worked to clean up its image and has gained significant ground in recent years, winning dozens of seats in the National Assembly in 2022.

The party has presented itself as a responsible alternative, even supporting Macron’s immigration system overhaul last year. With the upcoming elections, Le Pen has expressed readiness to govern if given the opportunity.

Macron’s popularity has declined due to his use of constitutional powers to pass controversial laws, such as raising the retirement age, without parliamentary approval.

This has provided ammunition for Le Pen’s allies to paint Macron as an undemocratic leader.

The National Rally’s campaign for the European elections was led by Jordan Bardella, a young politician whose popularity now rivals that of both Macron and Le Pen.

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